Senior Citizens Organiztion, Inc.
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Would you like to participate in a game, but don't know the rules or how we play it here?
Each activity has an information sheet that you can request from the receptionist or view/print from this website. Please click the words Information Sheet below the name of the activity that you are interested in learning more about.  The sheet tells the rules that are followed and provides pertinent information including the Coordinator for that activity so that you may call and ask questions. In order to view this information you must be a member in good standing of our organization and be registered on this website as a member. You will receive a password via email after your membership has been verified so that you may view the Members section of this website. If you have questions or problems please send an email to and you will be contacted within 48 hours. Thank you.
 Following the Business Meeting instruction can be given in your choice of Bid Euchre, Euchre, Mexican Train Dominos, Samba or Hand and Foot Canasta. (A take off of regular canasta.) Please contact the person in charge of the activity by the second Monday of the month to share your desire to review or learn the game on Wednesday about 10:30 AM.
We would love to see  you!
Bid Euchre
Bid euchre is played Wednesday afternoon at 1:00 p.m.
Bingo is every Friday at 1:00 PM at the Center. Each person pays $4.00 for a pack of ten games with no limit. 
Smaller packs are available.  The hot ball participation fee is twenty-five cents.
License #002304
Bingo Babes
Bingo Babes meet the third Monday of  month in April, May June, October, November, December
at  Maple Park Village.  Our members assist the residents in the playing of Bingo. Residents enjoy receiving small prizes such as toiletries, jewelry - especially rings, individual size snacks/candy bars, cuddly, soft stuffed toys, lap robes and bags for walkers and wheelchairs. If you would like to assist the players call the center and they will get you in contact with the coordinator of Bingo Babes. If you would like to donate prizes bring them to the center and we will pass them to the coordinator. Thank you for participating in this outreach activity.
If you have a talent for making lap robes, bags for walkers or wheelchairs, or stuffed animals the Bingo Babes would love to have your creations to use as prizes. The lap robes should be 34" x 42". If you don't have yarn there is some available at the center.
If you would like to purchase the items listed to give as prizes you may leave them at the Center with a note that they are for Bingo Babes.
If you have unwanted costume jewelry you can donate that for Bingo Babe prizes.
Monday morning at 10:00 AM at the Center is free Bunco. Beginners are welcome, if you can count to three!
Play is fast, furious, fun and sometimes loud! 
Information Sheet for Monday
Information Sheet for Thursday
 Bridge is played every Monday at 1:00 PM. Monday you will play with a different partner every six hands
for a total of 18 hands.
Bridge is also played every Thursday at 1:00 PM. You and your partner play together the entire time.
Duplicate Bridge is held every fourth Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. RSVP is required.
Cards meet every Friday at 9:30 AM at the Center. Whatever card game you want to play can be played, if you get enough to join you. The current game of choice by most seems to be Hand and Foot or Samba.
A Chess Set is available for use Monday through Friday
Cribbage is played on Monday at 10 AM and on Wednesday at 1:00 PM
Information Sheet
Wednesday we play Dominos at 9:30 except the Wednesday of the Business Meeting when the time is 1:00 PM. Mexican Train Dominos is the game. You can come and learn how to play if you do not know how.
Euchre is on Tuesday at 1:00 PM until eight rounds have been played.
Information Sheet
 Our Exercise group meets at the Center each Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10:00 to 11:00. Dress comfortably; bring hand weights and a floor mat or borrow from our supply.
We begin with 20 minutes of standing exercise, followed by 20 minutes of floor exercises and we end with 20 minutes of seated exercises. If you cannot stand and/or move to the floor you may sit for that period of time and modify the exercises.
If you would like to join us for lunch we chip in $0.25 (twenty-five cents) per exercise session
to fund our twice a year lunches at a local restaurant and prizes for Card Bingo!
You may purchase a DVD of our exercise class from the leader on Tuesdays or Thursdays before or after exercise for $10.00 - all proceeds go to the center!
Hand and Foot Canasta
Information Sheet
Hand and Foot is the standard version of Canasta played. However, the version Samba has started to be played on Wednesday (1:00 p.m.) and Friday (9:30 a.m.) You may join a game of either one when you come on Wednesday.
Jig Saw Puzzle
There is always a puzzle out on the table ready for someone to fit in a piece while walking by
or to sit down for hours and work on it.
Currently we are not playing.  Activity coordinator needed.
Line Dancing
If you have questions please contact the coordinator.
Beginners Line Dance Class
This class is for the person who has never line danced before or who just wants to review the basics. This class meets every Monday at 3:45 p.m.  Please check the calendar to be sure a Beginners class is scheduled for this month. During the month we will learn 3-4 dances and learn basic steps needed to move into the Intermediate Class. Handouts and step sheets are provided.
Intermediate Line Dance
Intermediate line dancing is open to anyone who enjoys doing beginning or easy dances. We dance on Monday afternoons starting at 2:30. To dance in this class you should understand the following terms (as related to line dancing): wall, vine, step touch, rock recover, weave, triple step, pivot, waltz basic, twinkle, jazz square. 
Mah Jongg
Information Sheet
We play Mah Jongg on Tuesdays at 1:00.   If you don't know how to play please contact  Cheryl McClain and she will help get you started! Since this game may be unfamiliar to you here is a brief history.

This game was first played by the ruling class of China and dates back to the time of Confucius. In 1937 the National Mah Jongg League was founded so that all players would be playing the same hands and by the same rules. This game is played with ceramic tiles and each person uses a playing card that lists the 52 possible hands. The playing card is changed yearly so that the game remains exciting for the players of this game.
Find an opponent and play a game of Ping-Pong. The Ping-Pong table is located in the pool room and can be used my our members any time the center is open except during the Board Meeting on the second Monday of each month.
Currently not being played
Pool Games
Everyone is welcome to come to play a game of pool at the Center any time we are open. There is no charge to play. The pool table is available to our members any time the Center is open except during the Board Meeting the second Monday of each month.
Information Sheet
Rummikub is held on Monday at 1:00 p.m.
Is there an activity that you would like to see started at the Center? Please send an email at telling us all the information you can and suggestions for when to fit it onto the calendar. Thank you!



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